Marilyn Houseman’s 1946 MG TC

Marilyn Houseman’s 1946 MG TC

A special exhibition at the 2018 George Old Car Show, proudly driven by Oakhurst Insurance Co, which will focus on vehicles manufactured in Britain.

Some 40 of these vehicles will be displayed in the main arena, and among them will be Marilyn Houseman’s 1946 MG TC, which she restored almost single-handedly.

Marilyn’s husband Dennis is an ardent collector and restorer of veteran, vintage and classic cars. So Marilyn, not to be left out, decided: “If you can’t beat them, join them,” and set out to restore the 1946 MG TC on her own.

The couple bought the car in Knysna and she set out to restore it. “I decided I was up to the challenge,” she said.


The car was in a poor shape, as the engine was not running and some alterations had been made to the original. So she stripped the car to the bare chassis. Every part was refurbished. Dennis did the paintwork and the engine was rebuilt. Spare parts, including the soft top and tonneau, were ordered and imported from Britain. When all the parts had been restored, Marilyn reassembled it, until it was restored to its former splendor.

According to Marilyn, the car was manufactured in March 1946 in the immediate aftermath of World War II. “That explains the battleship grey of the engine and firewall – the engines of later models were painted red, while the firewall was the colour of the car body.”

In addition, the toolbox of Marilyn’s MG TC is lined with white felt, a surplus of the Red Cross’s supplies.

Marilyn is modest about her achievement, which took almost two years to complete. “I was only able to do the renovation because I knew I could call on Dennis for his help whenever I got stuck with something.”

She loves the car she so lovingly restored:  “I always liked the lines of the MG TC – in my eyes it has a real classic shape,” she said.

She also very much enjoy the George Old Car Show. “We have met so many wonderful people with similar interest since we became involved with the Southern Cape Old Car Club. When it is time for the show, we have a chance catching up with old friends and making new ones. There is a lot of camaraderie among the car fraternity, which is awesome.”

The couple will be displaying four of their vehicles, including the MG TC.

The 2018 George Old Car Show will take place at PW Botha College.

For special weekend and day tickets book tickets online at:

Vehicles manufactured before 1975 to be displayed. Contact Klaus Oellrich at 076 764 0897 for more information, or register on the website of Southern Cape Old Car Club at