Philip Kuschke has the unique pleasure of organising the 2022 Zesto Café Veteran Tour and this year marks his 17th year of organising the Vet Tour.
By definition, veterans had to be produced before December 31, 1918. Since these cars are rather rare, the Vet Tour makes allowance for models without front brakes, the production of which came to a natural conclusion around 1930.
22 tourers have signed up for this year’s outride.
Philip Kuschke het die unieke plesier gehad om die 2022 Zesto Café Veteran Tour te organiseer en is vanjaar sy 17de jaar wat hy die Vet Tour organiseer.
Per definisie moes veterane geproduseer word voor 31 Desember 1918. Aangesien hierdie motors taamlik skaars is, maak die Vet Tour voorsiening vir modelle sonder voorremme, waarvan die vervaardiging omstreeks 1930 tot ‘n natuurlike gevolgtrekking gekom het.
22 toergangers het ingeskryf vir vanjaar se uitstappie.
We all know that the month of February is the month of love! However, here in the Western Cape it is also the month for the love of cars, rather old than new, …very old! Every second weekend in February the Southern Cape Old Car Club hosts the ever-popular George Old Car Show. This year celebrated the 25th anniversary of the show.
In 2008 the Southern Cape Old Car Club (SCOCC) organised a tour of some 700 km to celebrate the centenary of the Model T Ford in the Garden Route area.
The route has been chosen to accommodate veteran and vintage vehicles, but does include some challenging and beautiful mountain passes and poorts.